Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Snap Decisions

     The sun beat down upon my face so intensely concentrated that sweat began poring down my forehead.  The haunting drum tune playing from what feels like behind me begins to drown out the faint sounds of muffled dialog. I can make out a small crowd split into two separate crowds which are both composed of a mixture from both sexes, male and female. The crowd hushes as a bag is thrown over my head, blocking my already impaired sight. The proctor begins to speak about all the sins against humanity I’ve committed, impressively over the last couple of months. I feel a slight grin sneak across my face as I listen to the acts of evil my actions have been seen as. The drum line grows more and more intense as the man comes to what feels like the end of his speech. The climax included something along the lines of “may god have rest on my retched soul”.


    The drums ceased and the crowd gasped as I heard that pulling click of a lever and felt my body drop under the gallows I previously stood on. The last I heard was the snapping of my neck and the loud ear piercing ringing that echoed in my ears.

I was dead. But that my dear friends, is just the beginning. 

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